Category Archives: politics

Ski Korea*

Dr. Chris and Dr. Tom ring out the old year with more critical, sleep-inducing insight. Dr. Tom shares some news, revealing that the best place to learn how to seduce an alligator for the low, low cost of $250 is in Florida. Dr. Chris rails against public education and sloppy parenthood alike in Georgia when he shares the story of a 21-year-old high school student with a gun. Dr. Tom can’t be trusted to cook eggs. The doctors sing praises to the glorious and not at all crappily volatile nation of North Korea and their new tourism campaign, interestingly enough only a few days before the Sony Pictures debacle. Dr. Tom hosts another episode of ‘What’s worse?’ and we learn that Chris would much rather seduce a member of the supreme court than an alligator. What a patriot! Ralph Macchio has been a little quiet, so Dr. Chris checks his Twitter and verifies he’s not dead. Dr. Tom shares a single, lonely poem about farts and then a seasonal warning to all that enjoy their time on the ski slopes. The doctors close this episode with one final question: what would you do with 1.1 trillion dollars?

*This podcast has not been approved for listening by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or our glorious president of Earth, Kim Jong Un, praise be unto him.

Ralph Macchio news:


News articles in this episode:

Gator Whisperer Goes to Jail

21 Year Old High School Student Jailed for Having Gun on Campus

North Korea Launches Bizarre Tourism Website

 “Theme for Harold (var. 3)” and other songs by
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

The post Ski Korea* first appeared on Aural Malpractice.